Jan 15, 2010
Miley Cyrus – Youn...
Posted by admin on Aug 18, 2017
Miley Cyrus – Mali...
Posted by admin on May 12, 2017
Miley Cyrus – Dooo...
Posted by admin on Aug 31, 2015
Miley Cyrus Kisses Victo...
Posted by admin on Jul 3, 2015
Miley Cyrus Gets Nude fo...
Posted by admin on Jun 9, 2015
Miley Cyrus: Tongue Tied...
Posted by admin on Feb 11, 2015
Miley at 57th Annual GRA...
Posted by admin on Feb 9, 2015
Miley Cyrus exclusive fo...
Posted by admin on Nov 18, 2014
Miiley at amfAR LA Inspi...
Posted by admin on Nov 2, 2014
Miley’s Bangerz To...
Posted by admin on Oct 23, 2014
Miley at V Magazine Cove...
Posted by admin on Sep 11, 2014
Miley Cyrus Goes Topless...
Posted by admin on Aug 31, 2014
Miley Cyrus Wins “Vide...
Posted by admin on Aug 25, 2014
Meet Bubba-Sue – Miley...
Posted by admin on Aug 12, 2014
Miley Cyrus Gets Two New...
Posted by admin on Aug 7, 2014
Who is Miley?

Miley Ray Cyrus is a 20 year old teen sensation, who was born on the 23rd November, 1992 in Nashville, Tennessee. Her birth name is Destiny Hope, but in 2008 she legally changed her name to Miley after her dad had given her the nickname "Smiley." Miley is best known for her role in the popular Disney Channel show, Hannah Montana. In the series, she plays a girl called Miley Stewart who lives a double life as a popstar. Miley is also a singer/songwriter with many songs as herself and Hannah Montana topping the charts. More?
Hosted by:
[..YouTube..] Amazzingg.
[..YouTube..] Beautiful! That was just amazing!
[..YouTube..] OMG! I am not like obsessed with this!!! Faved (:
5/5 ♥
[..YouTube..] im sorta like nico;e. except stepdad and shotting.
[..YouTube..] I miss this song so much. I remember when it first came out, I was so obsessed with it. Great video. :]
[..YouTube..] I really love this, so emotional. 🙂
annd, Selena and Demi’s were the saddest.
[..YouTube..] That was REALLY well put together, great job 🙂
I think Selenas was the saddest part
[..YouTube..] i think all there all equally sad!
[..YouTube..] this is amazing. probably selena’s. hmm…. :l
[..YouTube..] that was truly amazing, honestly. I have goosebumps! I loved all of them but demi & selenas were wow equeally sad!
[..YouTube..] This was amazing 😀
[..YouTube..] amazing videoo <3 i kno someone like selena in this video.. :/
[..YouTube..] that was sad but amazing
[..YouTube..] this is amazing, I love this song but its sad.
[..YouTube..] welcome 🙂
[..YouTube..] 1) whos sader: miley,
demi or selena’s part? demi
[..YouTube..] Awrrrh .
So amazinggg, but sad.
[..YouTube..] this was AMAZING. seriously, really well put together.
[..YouTube..] i think demi’s part is sadder
[..YouTube..] i remember watching the original video of this song a few years ago. first music video that ever made me cry.
1. demi’s the saddest part D:
[..YouTube..] wow this was really good:)
Good job!
[..YouTube..] 1) whos sader: miley,
demi or selena’s part? Mileys
[..YouTube..] iLove it.
and I love the song it makes me cry.
[..YouTube..] Great video- its really sad! I can’t believe the ages of the girls in the song- they’re so young!
And I think Demi’s is the saddest part- when she looses her only friend!
[..YouTube..] this song reminds me of my bestie ronnie…R.I.P. girl!!! :'(
[..YouTube..] 2 of those stories happened to me :'[
[..YouTube..] amazing < 33
[..YouTube..] oh thats … ;xx
[..YouTube..] selena part is the saddest
[..YouTube..] i think demi’s part is the saddest :/
i would hate if my friends died, or if i was abused by an alcoholic. 😐
[..YouTube..] i think it’s sad at demi’s part because of what happens to her best friend
[..YouTube..] thats so sad but good .. 5*
who sing the song?
[..YouTube..] this is great i luv it
[..YouTube..] @xXBadGirlsClubXx
mary j blidge sings it.. im pretty sure i didnt spell it right. ha
[..YouTube..] My best friend is in each of these stories…. but only a small part of each
[..YouTube..] ludacris and mary j blidge
[..YouTube..] I actually think Miley and Demi are the saddest:( Selena made her choice but Demi and Miley didn’t
[..YouTube..] Thay are all pretty sad.
But Demi’s is probably the saddest cause she’s abused by an alcoholic and has to make up excuse bout the scars. And then she finally finds a friend that understands her but then she’s killed.
but they were all still sad but i stilled loved it like always(:
[..YouTube..] all parts are really sad.
& I love this video, I watched it so many times already, but I was never logged in so I couldn’t leave a comment. it’s definitely one of the best video’s that I have ever seen on yt. it’s amazing.
[..YouTube..] WOW *___*
i love this sooo much
[..YouTube..] you did an amazing job! I mean, with the video..;)
[..YouTube..] i think selena’s version was the saddest but i really really love this
[..YouTube..] Miley and Demis
But most for miley beacuse , she is only 9 Years old and she have like walking deads who is trying to rape her :(:(
that is SO DAMN HORRIBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I HATE FUCKING PEDOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PS. loved the video<3
[..YouTube..] I loved this<3
[..YouTube..] whoops, forgot to answer the question. lol(:
i think they’re all pretty sad
[..YouTube..] And Which is the Song name?
love it
[..YouTube..] what song is this?
[..YouTube..] its runaway love (the title)
[..YouTube..] That was incredible…
I was shivering!
You were right, this song really has meaning
and the way you edited this video really added to the mood!
I swear, amazing job!
5/5 ♥ faved.
[..YouTube..] wow this was an amazing video ! i loved it, and it was probably the most saddest vid i ever seen ! you did a amazing job !
1) in my opinion the saddest (all of them were sad though) was probably miley ! but all of them were sad.
[..YouTube..] wow what a sad song.
i really love this video.
its featured on my channel.
[..YouTube..] One of these happens to my best friend:(
so i have to say demi , cuz its bad enough she gets beat by her dad but the friend that actully understands her dies/ :'(
[..YouTube..] amazing i love it it sends chills
[..YouTube..] 1,000th comment ;D this is absolutely AMAZING. i think that all of them are sad, but especially miley’s. great work, as always. (:
[..YouTube..] omg. the real video is SOO sad!! i remember when i first cried i was bawling haha
cool vid though! you got skizzles!!!
[..YouTube..] I’m in between 2. Miley or Demi’s are the most saddest 🙁
[..YouTube..] ommmg you made this soo good
[..YouTube..] I am asking all the people I know to watch this <3
[..YouTube..] I like dis
[..YouTube..] i think demis the saddest.
[..YouTube..] so sad : (
but soo amazing you did a very good job
[..YouTube..] 1 more amazing video from you! 🙂
So sad but still amazing! :))
[..YouTube..] this was amazing
[..YouTube..] the videos you made for my series got deleted??
[..YouTube..] demi is most deffo the saddest. this video is so good.
[..YouTube..] Very Very Good.
[..YouTube..] amazing vid.. 🙂
Check out my Jaylor Story i think you guys might like 🙂
[..YouTube..] awsome
[..YouTube..] I love it.
I think Demi’s s is saddest because it it excactly like my life (minus the beating,sort of}
[..YouTube..] OMG, I ♥ this song
My bro. always puts this song on and I love it cuz there R so many people with the same life like that and I just feel sad for them =;{
And all the parts R sad cuz its painful to hear and also to actually happen to u
[..YouTube..] omg this vid is sooo amazzing! 😀
[..YouTube..] awsome vid
[..YouTube..] This made me laugh.
Love the song and the video.
You better 5 star it 😀
[..YouTube..] I really love this!! 5 stars =)
[..YouTube..] I think lady is amazin and she is the best singer ever – “naked lady gaga DOT comm” heehee
[..YouTube..] this is one of my favourite videos, i love it (:
[..YouTube..] Heeey! (: Thats great. How did you make it?&where did u get the videos! <3
[..YouTube..] This has to be my favorite. This video is amazing<3
[..YouTube..] AMAZING ♥
[..YouTube..] you know it might be hard for Demi/Nicole to tell she might not want to get her dad into trouble
and how can you say that i dont think she meant to get pregnant Mileys story is sad but i persanally think Demis is the saddest
[..YouTube..] @JennetteICarlyfan I actually agree with you completely, Demi doesn’t want to hurt her dad. And for that she CAN’T tell, but Miley tell a teacher or someone, if Demi does her dad gets sent to jail and she gets put in a foster home, she doesn’t want that. So if you look at the big picture Demi is the saddest, Miley is sad too though
[..YouTube..] @VianneyBaby how the hell did this make you laugh? this actually goes on in the world and it is NOT a funny matter. this is a great video but in NO WAY funny.. what the hell is wrong with you?
[..YouTube..] It’s funny cuz Demi/Selena/Mileys in it.
That’s the funny part.
Soo fucken chill.
[..YouTube..] Exactly and she lost her only friend I forgot about that remember she got shot
[..YouTube..] @JennetteICarlyfan Yes! That’s what I thought!
[..YouTube..] Selena’s is the saddest.
[..YouTube..] Gaga received an honor, that she had sold 8 million copies of The Fame album – “naked lady gaga DOT comm” NSFW
[..YouTube..] This was the video that gave me the inspiration to write my first series,
it was called Runaway Love, but I haven’t written that one in forever!
But I love this video.
[..YouTube..] Wow! i think this is amazing!
I think the saddest is selena
[..YouTube..] OMG! this is sooooo amazing, I love it.
[..YouTube..] WOW. WOW. WOW. WOW.
just wow.
[..YouTube..] this is one of my fav videos ever . i show it to EVERYONE! <3
[..YouTube..] this is amazing!!!
[..YouTube..] damn thats pretty good
[..YouTube..] Selena’s part is such a sad part!
[..YouTube..] This is really good.
[..YouTube..] 1) whos sader: miley,
demi or selena’s part?
i would say Demi
[..YouTube..] One of the best videos ever!
I think miley is the saddest! 😀
[..YouTube..] this was awweesommmeeee
[..YouTube..] aww:(( so sad!! but good video!!!!!
[..YouTube..] this is so well made!
[..YouTube..] LOVE IT GIRL!( :
<3 you are so talented!
keep up the good workx3
[..YouTube..] Aww how sad But i love it ! <3 Check out my videos and plz sub ill sub u bak! (: