Jan 21, 2010
Miley Cyrus – Youn...
Posted by admin on Aug 18, 2017
Miley Cyrus – Mali...
Posted by admin on May 12, 2017
Miley Cyrus – Dooo...
Posted by admin on Aug 31, 2015
Miley Cyrus Kisses Victo...
Posted by admin on Jul 3, 2015
Miley Cyrus Gets Nude fo...
Posted by admin on Jun 9, 2015
Miley Cyrus: Tongue Tied...
Posted by admin on Feb 11, 2015
Miley at 57th Annual GRA...
Posted by admin on Feb 9, 2015
Miley Cyrus exclusive fo...
Posted by admin on Nov 18, 2014
Miiley at amfAR LA Inspi...
Posted by admin on Nov 2, 2014
Miley’s Bangerz To...
Posted by admin on Oct 23, 2014
Miley at V Magazine Cove...
Posted by admin on Sep 11, 2014
Miley Cyrus Goes Topless...
Posted by admin on Aug 31, 2014
Miley Cyrus Wins “Vide...
Posted by admin on Aug 25, 2014
Meet Bubba-Sue – Miley...
Posted by admin on Aug 12, 2014
Miley Cyrus Gets Two New...
Posted by admin on Aug 7, 2014
Who is Miley?

Miley Ray Cyrus is a 20 year old teen sensation, who was born on the 23rd November, 1992 in Nashville, Tennessee. Her birth name is Destiny Hope, but in 2008 she legally changed her name to Miley after her dad had given her the nickname "Smiley." Miley is best known for her role in the popular Disney Channel show, Hannah Montana. In the series, she plays a girl called Miley Stewart who lives a double life as a popstar. Miley is also a singer/songwriter with many songs as herself and Hannah Montana topping the charts. More?
Hosted by:
[..YouTube..] Miley, I think it’s awesome that you are helping out with such a worthy cause =]
TWLOHA is an organization that I support 100% and that is only because I can relate and many people are going through what the organization is about but they are hiding it, not getting the help they need to survive.
For all you haters of TWLOHA, just think of this: your friends, family, the people around you could be suffering and you wouldn’t even know it. TWLOHA gives them the voice to reach out and get help.
[..YouTube..] your music makes me want to kill myself
[..YouTube..] ≈≈≈≈≈≈◊≈≈≈≈≈≈
≈ Aloha ≈
[..YouTube..] it is an amazing cause my cousin commited suicide…letting u no i support u and the
cause all the way…
[..YouTube..] i just want to say thank-you , alot . x
[..YouTube..] great job miley!!!!!!!!!!!!!
[..YouTube..] Hey Miley! Great to have you back! Love u biatch!<3
[..YouTube..] shut up! its a earning money by voting,its something u have to vote for,she’s donated millions to diff charities before and she never ask u to for it but this is something u have to vote for,grow a brain!!
[..YouTube..] wath you’re doing is very cool!!
[..YouTube..] Your awesome <3
[..YouTube..] I smell bull s**t splattered all over this video…money for who??…if it isn’t to get ou boys back from iraq, help out health care/ Haiti or finding a cure for racism…I don’t want to hear about it…money grubbing mfs!!!
[..YouTube..] i bloody love you gal!!!!! x x x
[..YouTube..] miley, your a great person
i dont know why people judge you
your amazing 🙂
[..YouTube..] like i’v said before…there’s so much good in your heart that if all people would have that much good there would be no wars and every one would live happy in love..
[..YouTube..] great cause & its so good u wanna help out!! go miley!!!
[..YouTube..] Miley i love you foreverxx
Godbless you xx
[..YouTube..] hi♥
[..YouTube..] My friend worked for them… unfortionetly he passed away in a car accident in november!! please support this cause! its really imortant! thanks!
[..YouTube..] did miley get her hair cut?? it looks shorter
[..YouTube..] so pretty:)
[..YouTube..] @volleyballgirl277 i know it looks shorter
[..YouTube..] WOW, this is really cool. You are a great role model, not a lot of people would do something like this…
[..YouTube..] hey guys! check out our new video 🙂
[..YouTube..] omfg. the people who dont win are just going to do suicide!!
[..YouTube..] miley, you are beautiful,and has an amazing family.
i love shelby,(:
anyway, i know like four people who have done suicide.
its serious,and alot of people do it.<3
[..YouTube..] I just voted, it’s nice of you to post a vid about this& you look really pretty! cute shirt
[..YouTube..] Oh the things I would do to you Miley….
[..YouTube..] you suck.
[..YouTube..] i agree completely. i dont get to point of watching these videos if u hate them. i mean they can do whatever they want… its not like your affect anyone. i
[..YouTube..] hey miley can you give me $50 000 on paypal…plzzzzz
[..YouTube..] yea i get that but a voting competition to judge which charity is deemed the most popular seems a bit meh. but i doubt twloha would miss another million, it can make such an impact in reaching what they want.
[..YouTube..] @upload for real? hahahahaha
[..YouTube..] Omg your hot miley
[..YouTube..] which charities has she donated millions to? name lets say 2 and ill retract my comment. and get some decent insults next time, your making yourself sound like 12, unless you are 12 in which case nice way to spnd your childhood 😛
[..YouTube..] Vote TWLOHA
[..YouTube..] Miles Is such a Great Role Model
Your Great Miles!
[..YouTube..] Go TWLOHA! We love you!!
Please use an extra vote for Kids and Cars Inc!
The interaction of kids and cars is the #1 killer of children in the U.S., more than all childhood diseases combined!
[..YouTube..] miley rocks thanks for making this vid you seem like your the only star that cares about this thanks miley you rock!
[..YouTube..] oh of course!!!
[..YouTube..] Miley thanks so much for doing this cause it mean a lot to me as sucide is a thing people need to be aware of cause if they dont it might be to late for someone they know all i say if u know someone that has ever thought of commiting sucide keep them alaive cause its not a nice way to go I LOVE U MILEY xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
[..YouTube..] i ment to say alive in the last comment xoxoxoxo
[..YouTube..] Ok sup miley
[..YouTube..] 1,000,000$ to fuckin people who want to kill themselves???????/ no one gives a shit!!!!!! we could give dat money to haiti instead they really need it.
See Miley drink and smoke pot, then get behind the wheel of a car and drive away.
See this video on my page
[..YouTube..] i respect u for this
as i suffer from depression n do feel some days im nt worth anything i shouldnt b here n i have just heard this on the news n i have voted n buyed a top already n im from the uk i have had depression for 6 years n im 18 so ill surport to write love on her arms all the way thanx miley xx<3 leanne
[..YouTube..] @ bayarecertified fuck off u low life
if u dnt surport this then go give money to haiti then dnt put who gives a fuck when something like depression and suicide is serious to other people
if u think about it haiti is in the same pershion as the people hav lost people to suicide so think b4 u say grow up
[..YouTube..] Miley your amazing I love you!
[..YouTube..] i luv when u say at the start :its umm miley: its like u had to remember ur name, lol
[..YouTube..] and also thanx to TO WRITE LOVE ON HER ARMS for all the surport they hav given to people like me least people are finially noticeing it now n nt just putting it aside xx
[..YouTube..] Miley i dont give a fuck about what u say.
[..YouTube..] check out this acoustic instrumental trio. they perform their song in slow tempo 54 bpm! search for “Radium Karmara”
[..YouTube..] Ugh! you’re such an ignorant jackass!
[..YouTube..] Way cool organization. There’s a lot of groups out there that are really making a difference that most people don’t realize…this is one of them. Totally supportive!
[..YouTube..] Aww your awesome Miley for helping out twloha:)we love look so pretty!
I love you miley you’re so kind i love love Miley Cyrus Please come to Cambodia
[..YouTube..] @GreatAuntCayce for what, exactly?
[..YouTube..] make a video with davedays. He is a famous youtuber who make videos & most of the time he sings about YOU.
davedays 🙂
[..YouTube..] Hey make a new video plz. Also lovin this jacket it is glittery
[..YouTube..] she got a hair cut??? OMG btw hi its demis cuzin 🙂
[..YouTube..] lol this was uploaded on my bday!
[..YouTube..] Oh yep mhm i bet you know LOTS of people who hate me even though you dont KNOW me. Oh yep your right i do sound like a girl , too !!! so i am EXACTALLY like him 🙂
[..YouTube..] mileyi want to send you a flat stanley for my english project. all you need to do is carry it along with you for a week. but i dont know what adress to send it to. i have this adress. is it okay?
Miley Cyrus
P.O. Box 1459
Santa Box, California 90406
[..YouTube..] Hi Miley!!
I love you and your music!!
When you’ll came in Romania?? I really want to see and speak with you because you’re my favourite singer!! Please please send me an mail here, on YouTube because I always try to contact you but I cannot till now :(.
[..YouTube..] And my name is Paul, I have 16 years old and I’m from Constanta, in Romania, beside the Black Sea 😀 .
Please please please send me a messagge! I think that I’m your true fan from Romania cuz I’m the first that I’m contact you.
Miley, don’ forget: A true friend, is here till the end!!
Take care Miley, Romania and me, love you!!
[..YouTube..] miley you are the sweetest thing i love you sooooo much you look soooooooo prbrielle said pretty tell brandy brielle said hi
[..YouTube..] hi i think that u and mandy should make more shows that would be cool if u let people meet u. how come ur stoping hannah montana i love that show and i love you
[..YouTube..] i love u
[..YouTube..] No you should get a sex change TO like your true self sry but i dont talk to Hermaphrodites
[..YouTube..] thats nice miley
[..YouTube..] OH yep im a hermaphodite
You dont even know me !
your gonna assume stuff over YOUTUBE?
haahaa ,
retard (y)
[..YouTube..] im reading your book and its awesome
[..YouTube..] WHAT DID U CALL ME
[..YouTube..] I called you a retard because your acting like a RETARD
[..YouTube..] ohh wow big fat I DONT CARE
[..YouTube..] U guys might think miley is so nice and swee and genourous and is a little angel, but does anyone remember those pics she took a while back?
[..YouTube..] My point exactly
[..YouTube..] okay then stop talking to me spaz
[..YouTube..] Fuck suicide prevention. If you want to kill yourself than do it. Lifes short whats the difference if you die today or in 50 years. Your gonna end up the same, a pile of bones.
[..YouTube..] Miley youre soo full of it
[..YouTube..] @americanr10 who cares she was 14 move on she is so sweet she does more charities than all disney stars. SHe only gets all this hate b/c shes the most popular and the media is always on her case meanwhile demi has done worst things as well as selena
[..YouTube..] she is sooo not preggo and theres no way she could be so stop giving her a hard time she has been threw alot already so just be nice!!! (im her biggest fan)
[..YouTube..] shes not pregnant.
[..YouTube..] its not true you nub. why don’t you people do your research before you speak? a magazine website was hacked and the hacker made the headline “Miley Cyrus Pregnant?” its dumb people like you that start stupid hate in this world that doesn’t belong.
[..YouTube..] Wonderful
Thanks for the friend
[..YouTube..] she should call the baby mandy
[..YouTube..] miley is maturing GOOD!
[..YouTube..] shes predicoooooool ;
[..YouTube..] OK, SHE DOES NOT HAVE A BABY!!! SHE IS not Pregnant. If u dont believe me look at the video on my channel. I got the links to the official news on this..
[..YouTube..] I seriously hope my brother isn’t responsible for her being pregnant. I wouldn’t be surprised, he’s always been saying some crazy shit like that. God, please let my brother not be the father.
[..YouTube..] Seriously people? Don’t say that she’s pregnant unless she tells us she is. Geez.
[..YouTube..] LOVE CHUU :S
[..YouTube..] the pout at the end really annoys me
[..YouTube..] hi Miley, im you fan!
[..YouTube..] thank u cause every1 keeps on saying she is
[..YouTube..] i´ll vote :]
Love you Miley ♥
you are awesome ♥
[..YouTube..] Add alek_ktalin_2007 my ID ;):-* if you want (I am roman..)
[..YouTube..] You’re my life, Miley <3
[..YouTube..] Miley I love you <3 <3 <3 ..
[..YouTube..] miley i <3333 ur clothes!! i cant wait until The Last Song comes out!!!!! i love your music!!!!!
u are my romodel!!!
[..YouTube..] hey miley when are u gonna upload more videos???
[..YouTube..] myile cryus is so hot
[..YouTube..] ur shirt is sparkly:D
[..YouTube..] omg do a new vid!
[..YouTube..] @beefsoup555
No she isin’t
[..YouTube..] Miley,I hate you because you such a big slut and you even brain wash kids but I really like this video and appreciate you making a video.
[..YouTube..] i love you miley, don’t listen to anyone. you are not a slut. i love you<3 ignore your haters. im your #1 fan. i loev you to death<3 your the best!
[..YouTube..] ok whoever calls miley a slut is retarded… 95% of the pictures are photoshopped…. shes not a slut… her music is pretty good… but she cant compete with linkin park 😀
[..YouTube..] Need a laugh or two? Come on over! Fail Videos!
[..YouTube..] Hi, my name is Nate, and I am a junior in high school.
You have inspired me to hold a suicide prevention awareness event at my school.
I have had several friends commit suicide and it is very hard to live with that.
I just wanted to say thank you for opening my eyes and for giving me an opportunity to open others eyes by having a suicide prevention awareness event at my school.
P.S. I totally love your music, and I’m not gonna lie…..I do have quite the crush on you. =]
[..YouTube..] hahahah ur voice is so retarded…lol
[..YouTube..] When’s the next vid???
[..YouTube..] i love u so much you’re cool and kind!!LOve u Kisses Peace
Simy Peace Again
[..YouTube..] Hallo miley 😀
I love your songs and you films.
i am not your biggest fan but i like you because you soooo creasy 😀
[..YouTube..] hey miley loved you on american idol xoxo
[..YouTube..] please check out me and my friend singing butterfly fly away and tell me what you think. thanks
[..YouTube..] Suicide sucks ..
[..YouTube..] Yeah, Im 16 and i have been struggling with major depression and Anxiety and also Ptsd..Ive tried to commit suicide but someone always stopped me i went to a behavioral to get help but they didnt help much. it will be nice if u wrote back and im happy some one actually cares Thanks Miley
[..YouTube..] ily
[..YouTube..] miley! #1 fan hereeee
just thought id let you know your awesome! and your hair would look super cute short!=] in this video is how i thought of it!
your raddddd=]
[..YouTube..] Hey everyone, go to my channel and listen my songs, our band ins new and we need your opinion, for real. The band name is SIT.C, you can find it on my channel.
thx = )
[..YouTube..] ya miley 😀
[..YouTube..] You are the reason so many ‘young people’ commit suicide. God. Miley, the only people that like you, are like fucking twelve. God. I love the TWLOHA movement, and heavily support it, but you’re disgusting.
[..YouTube..] i just ordered sum t-shirts and stuff from the website…i think its a really good thing your doing…i admire that about you…and ur song the climb is the best song ive heard in awhile, it really speaks to me
[..YouTube..] punkrocker95 get a life what is the point of talking shit about someone that you dont even know…all you guys need to get over urself…and im not 12 im 23 and i like miley cyrus…
[..YouTube..] Im making funny videos, So Please subscribe and comment
[..YouTube..] Omg I’m miley and I think I’m soo amazing even though my dad is the only reason I’m famous!
[..YouTube..] make more videos! im fricken bored…
[..YouTube..] you copied selena gomez’s hair
[..YouTube..] it is a very serious issue that is often overlooked. 3 of my friends have had suicide and depression problems. but ive never let them do anything to hurt themselves, and ive always kept their spirits up. i want you to know that what you are doing is great, and i support it. ill definately order some stuff. thanks for what youre doing. i love you guys.
[..YouTube..] Hey guys. I’m currently trying to lose weight. I have one video posted on my profile and many more to come. Come subscribe and watch my weight loss journey. Thank you 🙂
[..YouTube..] hi miley.. I am uan 21 year-old Italian girl.. I don’t know as is my English voelvo to tell you however that I don’t see the time that goes out here your new film to the cinema in italia.. thanks!I hope in one answer of yours!
what say of it of a sort of twinship been united italia!?!?ahah!
[..YouTube..] you guys should make more videos
[..YouTube..] please please please make more videos with mandy! please! You guyys are sooooo good at making those videos! They are hilarious! =]] Miss ya, Love ya! <3
[..YouTube..] someone’s with davedays!!!! yay i cant wait.
[..YouTube..] arent u doing a vid with dave
[..YouTube..] you look beautiful<3
[..YouTube..] new video plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
[..YouTube..] I just saw the last song omg best movie ever! Miley was sooooo goood in it! <3 =]]
[..YouTube..] fuck you son of a bitch
hm stinks and i think you are an ass hole
i think you did not have a period yet and you will have it when your 90
p.s. same with Mandy fuck you FUCKING FROM PISS
[..YouTube..] hey everyone add us and check out our vids
[..YouTube..] I love you miley you are so perfect!!
[..YouTube..] Miley you does not show at all what fen I from you I am libe you you see well from kanst well you sing is the best one!!!!!! I fully have many poster from you I love you please please please please please write back!!!!
[..YouTube..] fucking cunt
[..YouTube..] hey Miley ummmm can i ask u something
why does it sound like……your choking on a dick.
all the time…i mean all the time
are u sick
[..YouTube..] Great thing you did with davedays. Very nice. Good to see a great girl doing great things for other people.
[..YouTube..] hey miley i just wanted to thank u for standING for TO WRITE LOVE ON HER ARMS ORGANISATION
[..YouTube..] hey miley is it true that Hannah Montana got canceled!!!!
[..YouTube..] MILEY! you did awesome in the Last Song! I just wanted to compliment you and you’re very talented. I can’t wait for your next movie!
[..YouTube..] @02manga no. the series finale is after season 4. so we have 1 more season to go
[..YouTube..] Hey miley Im so signing up for this group but i would also like to say that i know you and mandy are both super busy but i was wondering if you could make another video maybe talking about your boyfriend liam hemsworth! (so hot) and btw you did amazing in the last song! I FREAKN LOVE MILEY AND MANDY SHOW!!!
[..YouTube..] your so lucky to meet Dave 😀
[..YouTube..] i love your makeup
[..YouTube..] miley, please I wanna sing together with you. it’s my dream. answer me please..”xoxo
oh.. love the video..