Jan 19, 2010
When Miley was caught out the other night, with her boyfriend, Liam Hemsworth, she was sporting what looked like a very nice new haircut…but you could see from the back that she had just pulled it back.
But this got me thinking, maybe Miley should cut her hair. It looked pretty cute straightened and pulled back like that. I think I know what to ask for next time I go to the salon. Personally, I think it looks fantastic! She looks a lot more mature with it.l I would love it if Miley got a haircut!
VOTE, do you like her hair?
source; mileyreport.
i lke miley new haircut so cute..
me to …>>>i like miley
I love her new hair cut style
i love her new haircut is is so cute + miley looks geoguse
I wish i had a lock of her hair
beautifull hair cut ^.^
looks good. It's her life people shouldn't bag on her. If she does something that you wouldn't do so what it's her life. Thumbs up to the hair. ( I have short hair to, gonna bag on me.)
She wore hair extensions and she now she don't wear them
I mean, everybody knows that she wore extensions!
its lovely but it makes her look older
she just took out her extensions people…if she wants it long all she has to do is put her fake hair back in. But at least it’s something different…long or short hair looks good on her.
people<3 you are so good flavor 🙂
miley u look ok with your haircut but ur haircut kinda look like selena’s but i look up is selena a wanna be for hannah montana turns out she is thats krazy omg lolz !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i love ur haircut
What was she thinking?? That isnt her style, I loved her long flowing hair. Now its just plane. 4 some ppl its a ok, 4 me its a big BIG NO-NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
its ok…i GUESS, it makes her look WAY older then she really is{18} She obviusly always had that length of hair and wore hair extentions, so 2 me its no big deal.
I DON’T like it. Keep the hair extentions in Miley, you look WAYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY better with them. Come on!! Your suppoused to be a country girl, country girls have LONG HAIR, not short hair, you look like a business women here. If I was at one of her concerts and she came on stage with that short hair, I would laugh OUT LOUD. I mean really, Miley this is some advice…KEEP THE HAIR EXTENTIONS IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ok…uhh how do i put this?? Hmm…BAD IDEA. Why would you do that?? The hair extentions were the best thing for you, you looked like a young 18 year old country singer…now you look like a 30 year old lawyer, Miley for everyones sake{including U.} put the extentions BACK on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I really don’t like her hair, Sorry Miley Cyrus fans but i mean she doesn’t look that good. She should have kept the hair extensions on, really she should have. I mean she just doesn’t seem the same with that hair.
Why did you cut your hair ?!
Your hair is now not beautiful
I’m sorry Miley
Your hair isn’t good
I’m sorry
WHYD U GET THE HAIR EXTENTIONS OFF????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YUCK, u really dont looks good Miley,The cut doesnt fit u. I mean it doesnt fit u AT ALL. BAD BAD BAD BAD choice Miley!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WHY MILEY WHY??????????? BAD BAD BAD BAD IDEA. Go back to the hair dresser and get ur hair extentions back!!
I love the person so much I think she is beautiful No matter- but she looks more sophisticated now. She is beautiful anyway I see her!
….. I want you to make me think about things that please you… Like counting the number of links on a certain belt before me.. To think about how it feels against my skin… Or make me remember the words of your songs .. So I can song them to you… And make me think about things that you need me to think about… Make me think about lengths of exact time – to the seond… Make me remember and think about what ways please you most… I want you to make me think about pleasure and pain.. Make me remember that I’m owned by only one … And make me think about the pains of deviating my every thoughts on your body .. Your eyes … Your legs .. Your hands.. Your lips.. Your hair.. Your feet … Your fingers .. Your toes… I want you to make me think about you and every moment… And I know that it’s my DREAM… because I think I can make you happy enough… So you might want to hold my cold, sweating .. Heavy tempered steel chain after showing you that I will die to please you.. I’ll sweat and fight to break the heaviest of chains to try getting my body to your pleasure… And I dream of it… And maybe you’ll be so satisfied in realizing my passion and love for you… That you might hold my shaking soul … Wrap me- even for a moment.. And I would have my dream in this world… My actual love …. Make me dream of you tonight … Destiny… My entire Destiny.. My whole world.. My dream… Make me dream about you ..
I think I’m worthy of your love … Sunshine..
…. Can I have my date? … If you call me.. I’ll love you.. I expect you’ll say “Hey.”… and I’ll say … “So its all real.. no bs.. well what are we going to do about this love?”.
Wow… isn’t that weird.. almost word for word.. Im not going to begging for a date. If you want a date? You can act… but don’t wait too long or you may be SOOL!
Its our relationship… This ….. Its like “Lady Chatterley’s Lover”…. If we ever are together forever? I don’t want anyone around whom I don’t want involved in our lives … I don’t have anymore questions … I just want to be alone ..with you…