May 7, 2009
‘Miley Cyrus made a late night run to Starbucks on May 5. She recently talked to PopStar about negative comments towards her style: ‘I finally got so frustrated and it’s so stupid because the reason was Iron Maiden. They were like, ‘Miley doesn’t even like Iron Maiden. She’s a poser, she’s wearing that shirt.’ And I’m like, ‘Are you kidding me? You don’t even know what bands I like, you don’t know the music I listen to.’ I went on Miley World and posted some songs I like.. Most of my fans are 8-12 and a bunch of 18 year olds are saying I don’t like Iron Maiden. And the more people say negative things it, one, only hurts my feelings. It doesn’t make me change. And two, it kind of only makes me want to do it more, wear ripped leggings and wear the Iron Maiden shirt more because I’m like, ‘You don’t know what I like and what my style is.’