Jul 14, 2010
– Do you think the whole “super wholesome, purity ring wearing, all-American, no cussing, etc” teen pop idol image that Miley and JB had when they first came out, is on its way out? For the TL;DR/can’t be bothered crowd, you can stop reading now. Edited for simplicities sake: Obviously this cycle exists where teen pop is either super clean cut, virginal and wholesome or a little “faux edgy” but still safe enough. Miley and JB helped bring back this super clean-cut virginal image after the mini-backlash to mid-90′s pop in the early 2000′s. Now, Miley and JB are growing up…because of this, their popularity is declining. With their declining popularity (which I don’t attribute to their cleanliness) the image they helped make popular again, seems to be fading. Do you think that trend is on it’s way out, for now anyways? Discuss.
As far as I'm concerned, people should remain as unspoiled, unsoiled as possible for their entire postpubescent life, but my "superego" pretty much always speaks the strongest to /me/.
I don't think it is. I think there are plenty of celebs to support / keep the purity trend going for young people. At least I hope so…