Sep 5, 2010
Miley Cyrus – Youn...
Posted by admin on Aug 18, 2017
Miley Cyrus – Mali...
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Miley Cyrus – Dooo...
Posted by admin on Aug 31, 2015
Miley Cyrus Kisses Victo...
Posted by admin on Jul 3, 2015
Miley Cyrus Gets Nude fo...
Posted by admin on Jun 9, 2015
Miley Cyrus: Tongue Tied...
Posted by admin on Feb 11, 2015
Miley at 57th Annual GRA...
Posted by admin on Feb 9, 2015
Miley Cyrus exclusive fo...
Posted by admin on Nov 18, 2014
Miiley at amfAR LA Inspi...
Posted by admin on Nov 2, 2014
Miley’s Bangerz To...
Posted by admin on Oct 23, 2014
Miley at V Magazine Cove...
Posted by admin on Sep 11, 2014
Miley Cyrus Goes Topless...
Posted by admin on Aug 31, 2014
Miley Cyrus Wins “Vide...
Posted by admin on Aug 25, 2014
Meet Bubba-Sue – Miley...
Posted by admin on Aug 12, 2014
Miley Cyrus Gets Two New...
Posted by admin on Aug 7, 2014
Who is Miley?

Miley Ray Cyrus is a 20 year old teen sensation, who was born on the 23rd November, 1992 in Nashville, Tennessee. Her birth name is Destiny Hope, but in 2008 she legally changed her name to Miley after her dad had given her the nickname "Smiley." Miley is best known for her role in the popular Disney Channel show, Hannah Montana. In the series, she plays a girl called Miley Stewart who lives a double life as a popstar. Miley is also a singer/songwriter with many songs as herself and Hannah Montana topping the charts. More?
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I like it but how do you know it's tattoo? maybe she just drawed a heart on her pinky? 🙂
thank ya honey
Good eyes. The rings honor hand must’ve camouflaged that tattoo from my noticing while viewing those pics on .
Pray tell, the Maiden’s left hand holds a new Blackberry or iPhone?
• |*
pretty sure she is just brushing her hair back or covering herself from the people jumping at her taking pictures.
I think it means one thing…..she is a hoe.
If you don’t like her why are you on here? maybe you should stop being so immature and find something better to do with your spare time…just saying
Aww, I Love This. I Think It’s Cute.
I think Miley Cyrus’s first two tattoos were thoughtful and meant something, like Just Breathe in memory of her friend and grandfathers, and Love on her ear to drown out negativity, but a heart on her finger looks silly, like a child drawing on themselves because they are bored.
Miley is a person just like everybody else, if she wants to have body art dont judge her, she is critisized enough and does not deserve to be judged about what she likes. if she wants to get a tattoo on her forhead let her.
really do know for real i bet you guys wre bored and need to cause trouble GET A LIFE
i’m not really a fan of miley, but i personally like all of her tattoos.
and what’s with people getting so negative because it might not have some sort of soul-shattering meaning behind it? it’s a heart. it’s pretty. it’s not a skull or some other stupid teenage rebellion thing, and it’s placed in an appropriate location.
why can’t a person just get a tattoo because they want a tattoo, or because they think it looks good?
i actually really like this one, even if maybe it doesn’t have a meaning. personally, it’s my favorite of the bunch.
Whats wrong with her tatoo? Just because you have a tatoo or smoke or drink doesnt mean your a bad person maybe your good person with wrong dession. but nobodys perfect!!!!!! God loves everybody not just christans who think they better than everybody else. so if you love to diss miley on the internet it just shows what kind of person you are live with it
Omggggg:((( I freaking got that EXACT tattoo with my best friends like in July. One of them just told me about this…damnggggg:/ I loveee Miley Cyrus and her style and I don’t think she should be repremanded as much as she is because after all she’s 18, not 12. But omgg:/ now me and mu friends look like idiots who get miley cyrus’ tattoosssss. GREAT.
Miley is the best and most beautiful and most perfect
Any person exposed is retarded does not understand something at all
Miley is very beautiful and the most beautiful voice
Keep the following .. And do not care what he says these retarded
I love you
Miley is soooo awesome… going to have the same tattoo in a couple of days and im soooo excited 😀
THANK YOU. i did that tattoo on her.
I have this exact tattoo. I got it two summers ago. Sooo weird!
This tatoo is SO cute! 😀
Miley is her own person just becuzz u don’t like her tattoos doesn’t mean she’s a hoe. She likes the tattoo and thats all that matters
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