Mar 29, 2011
Miley Cyrus – Youn...
Posted by admin on Aug 18, 2017
Miley Cyrus – Mali...
Posted by admin on May 12, 2017
Miley Cyrus – Dooo...
Posted by admin on Aug 31, 2015
Miley Cyrus Kisses Victo...
Posted by admin on Jul 3, 2015
Miley Cyrus Gets Nude fo...
Posted by admin on Jun 9, 2015
Miley Cyrus: Tongue Tied...
Posted by admin on Feb 11, 2015
Miley at 57th Annual GRA...
Posted by admin on Feb 9, 2015
Miley Cyrus exclusive fo...
Posted by admin on Nov 18, 2014
Miiley at amfAR LA Inspi...
Posted by admin on Nov 2, 2014
Miley’s Bangerz To...
Posted by admin on Oct 23, 2014
Miley at V Magazine Cove...
Posted by admin on Sep 11, 2014
Miley Cyrus Goes Topless...
Posted by admin on Aug 31, 2014
Miley Cyrus Wins “Vide...
Posted by admin on Aug 25, 2014
Meet Bubba-Sue – Miley...
Posted by admin on Aug 12, 2014
Miley Cyrus Gets Two New...
Posted by admin on Aug 7, 2014
Who is Miley?

Miley Ray Cyrus is a 20 year old teen sensation, who was born on the 23rd November, 1992 in Nashville, Tennessee. Her birth name is Destiny Hope, but in 2008 she legally changed her name to Miley after her dad had given her the nickname "Smiley." Miley is best known for her role in the popular Disney Channel show, Hannah Montana. In the series, she plays a girl called Miley Stewart who lives a double life as a popstar. Miley is also a singer/songwriter with many songs as herself and Hannah Montana topping the charts. More?
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Wish I was as pretty as her 🙂
i love you
i love miley cyrus i’m fan and her songs are very cool.
she is olso beautiful but selena gomez to
ps : my fans are miley cyrus en selena gomez !! 😉
And they are beautiful !
Bright eyes. OK Does this sound familiar? “You look different in every picture!”
What about “You don’t have to call me Yani!” Or maybe “If you can’t be my GF … will you still be my friend? Because I really like you … A lot!”…..
…… I love you… not your career…. I want to hold you… not your fans … I want kisses you…. ……. of course… you can come over … or text .. call… and tell me how much you love me… because I sure want to tell you… I’ll do anything to please you….. until its wrong.. then I’ll leave you…. for a young diva…. in 2056..
… If you come over? I’ll impress you so much? You’ll never leave me… I got the stage all set up.. We are gonna start jamming… I wish you’d come over… And sing some songs.. Let me kiss your eyes … I’ll drink your tears… I only LOVE ONE girl out of all… still? …
….. I’ll die…. If I see another hold you- before you give me my date.. My chance… I never lose.. So … You believe what anyone may say… But I don’t think you want to lose me.. I mean I’m only going through this phase… It won’t last forever…. I don’t think my soft skin is going to be a problem for you.. I don’t think my passion for you … Is going to be a problem… I mean.. If I shoved you a lil.. When I first see you? Like a lil shove after I feel so relieved.. Like a living little shove.. To say.. “You’re hurting me… You were hurting me.. And I’m uptight about it… Because I love you so much more now- than the incredible amount I loved “Mandy” – a girl my friends know I loved.. Some crazy girl I met.. And loved … And lost … And found… And then it all came clear… If I see you with someone else… It’ll freak me out.. It did today… But … I’ll still love you…. Even if you shatter my heart.. Again… And it’s because I want you to be happy… You… And even if that happiness kills my entire soul- even reason for being… If it makes you happy.. I love you…
…. It’s only my heart.. Let’s see.. YOU were there.. If you said “You think you may like a guy- and he ignores you? Biggest turnoff in the world!… Oh .. Hi /;{)” … I guess I may have taken it all wrong.. I saw you in my mind- strangely enough… Not Mandy.. But you… So I took it as “This girl must really like me!” … Dumb me huh… So we had our deal- that was surreal for me.. But I thought I was pretty clear.. And I don’t check you.. I guess I trust you.. But I was mad over you.. I still am of course…. I mean.. It’s been a long time.. I guess no one wants you to be with me.. And I understand them.. I don’t fit yet into this system.. So I can’t take care of you.. But I’m trying to change that.. Not change myself- but the arena.. I get hurt when I think you’re losing me.. I don’t even know what’s actually going on.. I think I’m the quality girl- who fell in love with a tuff guy- you- and I’m so deeply in love? I look stupid to you and all else.. And you treat me bad.. So- at some point- you need to realize what you DO have- and not take it for granted.. Even if she acts like “Yer a jerk!” and ignores you… So you see that others might LOVE to be in your moonboots..;)
…. I love you…. I love you with all I have… I miss you… No talking.. It’s maid me mad … Near insane.. I need to kiss you all over your body.. I mean I N E E D too.. I need to care for you and maybe- you’ll be THE ONE who I allow to care about me.. You probably have a bunch of reasons to be mad at me.. But Babydoll? The “Red Duck?” in the cage? Ice cream? “It’s for my Babydoll?”
… Maybe you can see I’m lost over you.. I’m more lost tonight than ever before.. I love you Sinshine.. Forever of course…
… I want to lay with you.. Hold you tightly.. Whisper onto your neck.. The words that will send chills down your soul.. I love you.. Forever..
…. itz Tue… I’m going to Poo Frog for the weekend… to play a concert… and then another bigger one next Sat… then I’m unbooked… uhm… CALL ME…. WTF CHUCK?… Ive done all I’m supposed to … I don’t care … itz up to you now… and I want you to know …. that I can’t be alone … I can’t function… I understand it all though… but you’re not a lil kid.. I mean …. can you understand that I NEED you to hug me.. in PRIVATE?.. To soothe my
Soul….. So my mission iz on the right path? So I feel relieved?… I’m a team player… I’ll pitch in all I’ve.. You don’t have too.. You don’t have to love me… but I think you owe me A SINGLE DATE… and you need to call me and say “hey itz me.” … and I’ll say … “uhm… I’m not feeling too well… can you come and SAVE ME?”.. and I’ll meet you anywhere… under any preface.. I’ll sign any bs.. wtf ever…. but I want my chance to show you.. you know… you were my friend… and I’ve needed your friendship too…. your advice… you use to give me… and
… can you tell I’m going mad?. . I’ll hide… in a box…
….. I want you to file all theze away..after we are one… and hide them from public view… I mean … I feel stupitt.. not for going mad while courting you.. but… for getting soooo high at timez?… Straight autopilot… Text me a pic of your ass… no …. call me… then I’ll cut to chase… scene… call me as I can’t call you… obviously…and iI’ll ask you out on ONE DATE- something convenient for you… and you can tell me how and what you need me to do… you don’t have to.. but if you want to at least hang out… like old timez.. have a coffee… sing a tune or two… I’m going to tie up my loose ends at poo frog… then trip south… for the winter… lest you need me otherwise… I’ll be the freak show… in LA…obviously… I’d rather you call me… and I’ll remind you.. but you re not bound …. yet…. I love you. Signal iz bad in mountains… so won’t be on much social media for a while man
479 you? Chicken?… I think you like to watch me suffer?… No no… I’m use to it… a guy thought I was chick yesterday… until I spoke… Do you remember kind of bossing me around?… I miss that… I hope you boss me around again… and make me suffer… because I’m into suffering for you… and being bossed by you… CALL?…. call me… or leave me your # and I’ll call you.. I ain’t no chicken… “Hey… meet me somewhere?.. Newsstand end of Promenade Santa Monica… walk on the pier?… Ill wear a turban ..”
Ha….C A L L… don’t hurt me..
I need you too…. I’m just following my Christian and American heart… I guess I may become a priest if I lose you… I guess I’m old fashioned… in that I have faith… and I only loved one other … I guess you know that there iz nothing I can’t or won’t do…to be able to be with you.. I think you’re suppose to call me… so I can ask you out… or you can invite me somewhere… or your “people” can have me sign all releases…. and I understand Sunshine… You kicked butt! I wish I could… but only to make you proud.. and so I may take care of you the best… but in my vision? I’m always telling our kidz that their “mommy” is a star…. and I don’t want them to think I failed… but that being a good father was more valuable to me…. I love you…Silly….;)…….
One thing… maybe I’m not being clear about… I love you… so much…. that I’m hurting …… when I see you… you know….. can you tell I’m crying a lot ….lately… in the vidz ….. I want you very badly by know… just so you may weigh that… I don’t want another girl.. until you show me that this wasn’t what I had faith in…. I thought you were a pretty agent…. so you are much more than that… lol…. so am I… just consider my heart…. if you tell me you love another? I’ll be able to move on.. and I go on my instinct … why I’m down for you unconditionally… but I’m very lonely… hope and I… there are chics here … a smiley look alike… I mean of course I’m hit on by ALL…I’ve a secret for you that will break your heart… one day…. no matter …. but anyway… I’m hurting … I must embarrass you… somehow… I’m sorry for whatever it is… if I can’t fix it well enough to be worthy of your love …. or even a call… I’m very sorry for that. I’m guilty of being a nice ….. person … and I get easily taken as “weak”… and I am without you… I need you so bad….. in all wayz… imnot ever going to think negative about you… I only fell in a deep love …. and maybe the deepest ever…. so I’ve been super faithful… to a steam…. I love you baby doll…
So I am a lil kooky… maybe a lot kooky… while chasing you… but I’m wise about one thing… I exposed what I waz going through… you may never know… I don’t know who you love …. I can appreciate you hiding it… but that hurts more… do you ever entertain that you make me feel stupid… at times.. and how I’m used up over it all?…. I don’t want to jam with my son… I just had to be a father alone… but I may just go total solo.. do you think by not calling me… its healthy? For me?.. if I found out that waz your doing? I’d be very upset. I only played along thinking you’d see the scam…. idk… I know I love you… at least I went with “Jesus” and I know it waz right…. you hurt me bad… at first… but… like I said…. I know I’m the actual catch… and I may act foolish in this love… but that’s only because I’ve never felt this way before… so I’m very new at love… so I’m stupid… I figured after you are around my “magnet” … a magic that freakz people out when near me… makez them act goofy… jealous..- that you’d see the reality..(when I see you say “harsh reality” I get a strange feeling…) and then I can laugh about all this love letter … madness…. if you do not love me? No sense that you even need to console my heart? I want you to clear all the pics… I’ll still be year pal… but I want to be clear… that I waz only lost in this passion… and I wanted to support my friend at least… my love in my dreamz… butthat way illI’ll know…. broke my heart already you know… many time by now… but I know that Miley Ray Cyrus iz maybe the sweetest most personable person I’ve ever known.. and I’ll alwayz be very fond of this time and all that it encompassed… I love you… jon
Oooo …. I hate that now… but I always hate me… and I don’t look back to care… so be it… Hey… I mean “DATE?”…. A secret date … anywhere … to just talk about this love…
I mean… one super turn on… is when you boss me… own me… care for me like I’m your pet … but one you need to always keep in line…. have me believe that you hate me… writing on my skin… but then… you kiss me… and rub my soft skin… and you’re above me..
I’m lonely for you…
….. And … Another chic… 20… Is going kooky over me too… From Costa Rica… So …. Its a matter of time now… But I’ve not dated them… I mean their my “friends” so far…. But I think I love you still… Something told me to wait until November… But idk anymore…
You’ve hit the ball out the park! Indicerble!
I want to come to Egypt actually and I think there are a lot of people who wants to come there too, like me.. Anyway, thanks a lot for the great information shared here..
OK.. “Sam” is only 18…. Tiahna iz 24.. digz watching old cartoons all night. Haz a vast music knowledge.. I know that you will really like her. A real friend. . REAL… Apt 6 – 23rd @ Pacific in Venice … Green building with Eli’s black sub in the lot. On beach side.. COME …HANG..
Eli’s black SUV iz sticking out…COME and tell me you love me..