Nov 30, 2012
Miley Cyrus and Kelly Osbourne are real life best friends but they also star as friends in the new comedy, So Undercover.
Miley Cyrus stars as Molly, a private investigator who chose to leave high school to work with her father, a former police officer.
Together catch busting cheating spouses in the act and taking on petty thieves. But when she is approached by an FBI agent (Jeremy Piven) to go undercover, she has to take on a world she knows nothing about… A university sorority.
Molly has to turn from the tough, streetwise investigator, to the typical sorority girl Brooke Stonebridge in order to protect the life of one of her new sorority sistera.
Kelly Osbourne plays Molly roommate and friend while Revenge star Josh Bowman is her very hunky love interest.
Through her journey, Molly must protect Alex while discovering that not everyone is who he or she appears to be – including herself.