Mar 31, 2012
A couple of days ago, Liam Hemsworth appeared on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. During his interview, he was asked about the rumours of him and Miley being engaged.
I have to ask a question, and don’t throw a knife at me. I was reading that you are engaged, is this true?
It’s not true. We’re in a happy relationship but I’m not engaged.So you’re not engaged?
We’re not engaged, no. She had a ring on her finger and, she wears a lot of rings. We have a very happy, healthy relationship but we’re not engaged.Well she’s a very nice girl and you’re a very lucky man.
Thank you.
Miley tweeted about the rumours a few days ago, saying: I’m not engaged. I’ve worn this same ring on this finger since November! People just wanna find something to tal about! It’s a topaz people! I love how happy they are together, and it’s really nice to see Miley really happy and healthy recently.
miley nooooooooooooooooooooo
Andrius / Justai, pirma iÅ¡mok gyntis normaliai, 2 rate, stabdymo zonoje per mano atakÄ…, labai anksti pradÄ—jai sukti į posukį uÅuomži¾vdaaas ant manÄ™s, dÄ—l ko užsiblokavo ratai ir negalÄ—jau sustoti ir praradom 2 pozicijas. 6 ratas tapati vieta, vÄ—l mano ataka šį kartÄ… iÅ¡ore, tu padarai ryÅ¡ku judÄ—si į mane, nustumdamas ir neleisdamas man tavÄ™s aplenkti, kadangi buvau prie pat tavo galinio sparno nesitikÄ—jau kad bandysi grįžti į lenktyninÄ™ trajektorijÄ…, o gynsi vidu, bet tu man palendi prieÅ¡ pat nosį ir užstabdai.
what an honest post! i really appreciate it and relate to everything you say. it's not always about losing weight; it's about being healthy and feeling happy about it. i get really annoyed when i ave salad for lunch and friends peer at it and go,'what, are you dieting AGAIN?' pfffft!i just read somewhere that you're 5'10" btw! oh my, that's admirable!ps: you inspired me to start a fashion blog with foodie pics! :):) do check it out if u hv time!