Mar 15, 2010
Miley Cyrus chatted with Hollyscoop about young celebrities dying from drug overdoses: ‘If anyone looks at those situations, maybe people would stop being so mean to people that are in this business. But they don’t, because if..
..something does happen it’s just another story to sell. People should learn to be respectful and realize that love makes the world go round, its not your job to sell another stupid magazine for a story that is going to be over in five minutes.’
Miley revealed that she is a homebody and doesn’t get out much: ‘I don’t think you will believe this. I just live under my own little rock. I don’t really read things or get out often.‘ Miley doesn’t go out to clubs either:
‘I’m not the most social human being, I just try to ignore everyone.’ Do tabloids bother her? ‘I live my own life so I guess I don’t really mind because it does not affect me.’