Jan 2, 2010
Check out these new rare picture leak. Some of them are old but theres a couple i havent seen. Miley Cyrus likes to take pictures of herself huh? well that’s understandable, she’s gorgeous!
Jan 2, 2010
Check out these new rare picture leak. Some of them are old but theres a couple i havent seen. Miley Cyrus likes to take pictures of herself huh? well that’s understandable, she’s gorgeous!
She’s hot
What a. Sweeeeeetie…. The one with “skinny arms?” OK … I still don’t know for sure… I mean it’s possible- a psychopath has all yer pics.. And since she was the “16” she knows about all the stuff… And Mandy is just following me on twitter because she just likes to follow strangers who think they know her and she talked to the psychopath and knows about “Patridge” (The first thing she did was- for 5 seconds- put her pic up and I traced it back to her FB .. and …. NO WAY!
Was it you who had the “Add Photos?” I kept hitting it thinking it wanted me to “add photos” as I don’t know how it works (I dumb!) and I AM going to really be mad at you AFTER I spend a couple of days kissing you. OR? You actually like that guy? Over me? No chance. It may look bad – but you don’t know what’s going on. A diabolical GF! If you REALLY knew me- if you found a person who knows me? They’ed tell you about “Sally!” So it LOOKS bad and it IS to a point. But I’m in a spot that is DEAD. I’m a freak here. It’s bleak. Haven’t heard from or seen my son in 3 weeks (no Easter) and found out he’s been in jail for “Drunk in public!” And I’m stranded here- WHICH IS THE PLAN!
BUT- I’m still in great shape- and my pals are playing in the city again so I may fucking hitch hike outta here. If I take that chance? Anything can happen. So I wanted to tell you all this. It’s a set up and you are a target like me now. If it was even you.. See how terrible it all really is? I have unlimited ideas and NO partners. Eli? He is a DORK! I love him and all- but it’s why I’m NOT married and why YOU- or whoever I love. See – my jnlaws made me out to be a bum. To my son. Because I was an artist … I could give a damn who reads this- but if it was YOU? I love you. I love whoever it was. But it seems strange that you are not contacting. So… Idk. It is fun- but it hurts too! 420 is fri and I usually goto that. If I can get there? I’ll stay in SF. I’ll begin to build my film studio in the Presidio. I am not digging being alone anymore. I thought I was going to be TRUE so WE can be pure together – but …. This sucks! So I’ll try- but it won’t be easy. These are some cruel types so anything is possible- but I’ll try! I love you!
…. This is a war.. When this story is over- you’ll understand.. Listen .. Closely.. I am an abuse victim. Why? Jealousy.. It’s a phenomenon .. I have this affect… KimK said “Obsessed” about something once- and I thought she was saying YOU were obsessed with me. Why? If I was a sweet boy- would you hit me- especially if I don’t fight back? I don’t think you will.. Tish maybe no just joking.. But I have this madness in my life. Not guys- but girls. Look at my nose! Look before and after. Busted. I’m not going to say it here… I don’t want you to be angry- as yer gonna be when you find out.. I’m leaving this abuse – one way or another. I’m leaving this life .. To be with you or alone .. Until someone cares about me and not my fame.. I guess I’m not very famous anymore.. But they use to … Well anyway.. Will you marry me? No baggage? Me and my guitar? We can be a great team.. Music and film.. I love you..
I notice a missing I love you.. It’s weird.. I had this friend.. I was very nice too.. I admit I understand why she did what she did.. I thinks it’s awesome. But why all this? If it ends- that YOU chose to not call me? Like I’m a constitutional law expert.. I said I’d sign anything that protects you- I dont care about any of that – and being a lawyer? I completely understand… I think it’s a sham- you must owe your ass- and I’m going to save you- but I could be wrong.. I’ve got GOOD CREDIT.. waiting for you to destroy if you want- and I don’t care! But you bess have a GREAT excuse for all this- because – sooner or later? It’s going to burst your bubble.. You need to call me.. Or send me the papers to sign so you can call me.. WTF Miley? It’s close .. Real close..
… Hey man.. I’m not taking anything for granted.. I’ve a clean slate.. You think I believe ANY media financial BS? And the lawyers who were suing me- suddenly disappeared.. If you were in my shoes.. You want a girl you MET! KNOW! .. Very well even if you did put on an act.. I don’t think you were acting a bunch of times. I dont think you were acting when I told you about “baseball” .. I know the kind of money you can make- and I also know the shark infested waters of debt.. I just want my girl.. Don’t you think.. That no matter what? I’m never going to allow you to pay for me- buy me things? I’m an adult.. And I’ll give a long speech to your entire regime- why that is completely unacceptable.. Wanna give me sum? Make me happy.. By loving with all you have- YOU.. and that’s my only gift I’m going to ever give YOU- or any of them- that is valuable enough for my standards. AND? If you left all you had now? Showed up at my bus (lol) and were barefoot- broke and cold- hungry- you name it.. What do you think I’d do? IMMEDIATELY be filled with a serious motivation to quickly get you in the best possible care- Yea- you might have to be a gypsy – and actually “hit the road” .. Like I have to.. But you with me? Together? I’d eat this world for your love Sunshine.. It’s why I’m so off right now .. So I don’t know or really care about all the money issues.. Tish could organize all my records and other commercial affairs? I’d help her? ID BE LOADED AGAIN! Like 5 timeless albums? So.. Idk .. I want my girl – you.. Unconditionally to make very happy forever.. I’m very sorry if I offended you or anyone.. But I want all to know I only care about sharing love with you- if it’s even you.. And I’m like 100% sure now.. I was a performing artist- in the Bay Area- not Iowa or Rhode Island.. Not anywhere but SAN FRANCISCO- I had this MYSPACE musician / artist account- being run by a couple of kooky “Jon Moon Trip Fan Club” freaks- who were retarded. I only saw an opportunity to publicize my albums- out at that time..- and I built that page – where I saw you (And? My eyes saw YOU! It’s very weird .. I tried to tell you all along- “You look different in every pic” and I was seeing you! When you were “Bachman?” YOU! Even the get up! You’ll show me someday maybe the “You got wild all the sudden” pics.. But imagery for me- has magic. I saw a girl in a business attire- it said “Jersey’s Fantasy” and it was a b&w pic of YOU- exactly like the Bachman get up! I even thought you were chubby? And I like that.. Not skinny? In a business suit.. Then you went “wild?” I saw the same YOU- but in like kinky clothes. The other pic I’d tell you- made me warm- was a B&W pic of Mandy- with little make up- “at the computer monitor” and that pic haunts me to this day! I searched for her- and the closest I found? Was the “M&M” black and white bits you two did! This CONFUSED me hugely. Why that pic is important to me.. It was you- next to her? DOUBLE TROUBLE!! I love you!
… I’m beating her ass .. . I’m beating yer ass for all this sgit … I was watching Eli go off w hiz new GF… who iz opening a bar n grill ….and it dawned on me… I have no one … to even C A L L… . because I’m crazy now.. yea… for loving you… I guess I’ll know on BIRTHDAY.. I love you… too much really…
I’m not really gonna beat ass… maybe I shoulda said “Spank” her lil famous buttox … and and I never said a word to “Manny” …suddenly he is singing her song… Then someone asked “Hey Moon … what does Miley have to do w you?” So I said “She s my Budd… (Not telling them the FACTS)…I mean I’ve known her since she was 16… I want to produce her album… ” etc… Then these Haight Ashbury surfer types… Reveal that ? ???? YOU MADE IT KID! They actually DIG YOU- now… not any kiddie cartoon… but YOU- The person … the ARTIST/ ACTIVIST-… I was ASStonished… I wanted to say “Dudes. She iz my BABE… not a mere Budd… but BIG TIME BABYDOLL- ” but I just shut up…. So then Manny Goez nutz …”Dude … can you introduce me to her?” And beginz belting out her song… word for word…on a Muni Bus… and the hip SF crowd? DIGZ YOU NOW…not one insult… “Love Miley Cyrus!” …. So you made it… great… NOW can I have some LOVE?.. you know a DATE?… Callz? … I love you..
Hey…. heartbreaker…. no no….so are you saying you’re gonna call?… and and… I can get my date?…. That’d be GREAT!!!… .. I’ll be home… in SF….. maybe I’ll take you to “Baker Beach?” (NUDE)… … or I can show you “Alacatraz” (NUDE)….(KINKY)…. (CAGEZ)… or… we can go out for …. I know some SERIOUS places to dine… You probably don’t like “oysterz” (MAKE YOU KINKIER)… … But I bet you’d like fettacini vongole … Or we can just hang out… and I can shove you… you know…. for all this …. I mean not anything mean… just lil “love shoves”… that may lead to me kissing you all over your body… in front of the whole world… like there’s nobody else… so yea call me douche.. call me and I’ll do all the talking… you may hate me… (Nope)…. and maybe … I’ll think you’re a nerd … a complete hopeless dufuss… (No)… and maybe I’ll fall for foxy mama Tish… (Never can say never)…. or maybe Noah will fall madly for me… in 10 yearz.. and you n Bill will wanna brain moon… (Yep!)… …. so … call … if you dare TRULY LOVE…. because I surely and truly love you… dufuss..(no;)..
… so…. do I get a date?… a secret date?… Hang out?… call me..
I’m trying…I mean… I can’t call you… so… and I don’t want anyone to be harmed in any way…. so if its not right … I understand… but …. I’d do most anything…. to see… I’m trying to not be so …. you know… “anti corp”. . But listen … Sunshine?… I mean I love you!… I understand …. about not hurting your career… and I’ll understand all… but …
I love you
I love you…